April 27, 2017
Some of you may remember an advertising slogan from the late 1980s: “Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile.” Some of you won’t remember it, which is understandable. It’s an old commercial for a car brand that’s been defunct for 13 years, after all. That aside, the line became a pop culture catchphrase. I’ll demonstrate: “Not Your Father’s Financial Adviser.” That aptly describes the millennials’ preference when it comes to finding professional financial assistance.
For starters, many millennials simply don’t have extra assets to invest right now.
They’re significantly indebted with student loans, they’ve faced a tough job market for years, and wages have been stagnant much or even the entirety of their lives.
Although a basic challenge, a dearth of capital isn’t the only hurdle. Besides the state of the millennial wallet, there’s the state of the millennial mind.
There’s more. The Internet, smartphones and social media is the air millennials have breathed since birth. Startup founders such as Marc Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are more likely to be a millennial’s hero than traditional industrialists, and consequently millennials are very entrepreneurial. They’d rather invest in talent and creativity — often their own — than in stocks and bonds.
If they are interested in investing, many would rather do what comes naturally: Get online, do some research and purchase cheap, passive products such as ETFs, skipping the inconveniences of finding and paying an adviser.
Fortunately for my profession, but also fortunately for their own financial futures, there are millennials who recognize the value in an experienced adviser. Still, from my experience with millennial clients, they don’t want just any adviser. Here’s what they’re looking for:
Most of these traits would well serve any adviser, regardless of their clientele. Don’t go the way of the Oldsmobile. Make sure you’re worth millennials’ time, trust and money.
Jennifer Pagliara is a financial adviser with CapWealth advisers. Her column appears every other week in The Tennessean.
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